Thursday, November 12, 2015

Where to start?

I haven't blogged since Sep 9! Not because I have nothing to share but because I have so much to share with abundant blessings on all. My cup runneth over. Just didn't know what to write about. So here go mostly highlights and the abundant glory of God on our lives:

After our trip to Chama I realized my Mother's necklace that my youngest son gave me for Mother's Day 2000 stayed in the motel room. Called them right away and the kid said, "Oh yeah. I think the maid turned it in. But we will mail it to the person's address on the reservation." My sis made the reservations. Told him that was okay, gave him my contact info and called Char to let her know.
7 days later no necklace. Called the motel back. This time the kid says, " oh well we didn't find your necklace." Reminded him about our previous conversation and asked to speak to the owner. But apparently she was "at the bank". She didn't call back. So 3rd call the kid answered again. No necklace. Told him I would pray that somebody developed a conscience and would turn it into the office, since a Mother's necklace is a very personal and specific piece of jewelry. A blessing? Don't know yet. Am I disappointed? Yes. More so in the lack of honesty that prevails humanity. And my lax behavior in not checking the motel room thoroughly before we checked out.

My cousin Cyn helped me declutter my bedroom and some of my dining area!! Filled up the back of her truck. We went to see Legally Blonde at the Albuquerque Little theater. You haven't "lived" until you see Legally Blonde as a musical;) So much local talent. Very cute.
We went to another cousin's Halloween party on 10/30. I didn't dress up. So I was the lazy trick or treater:) But got to visit with lots of family and hold a baby! Can't remember last time I'd done that. The baby reached out to me and I talked to her. She stared at me like she was thoroughly fascinated. So cute. Then she heard Nana's voice and turned to her. What I found really cute is that everyone speaks to her Spanish. She was probably wondering what I was saying=8O So funny.
Also attended a talk about Genizaros at the Special Collections Library. Very interesting.
Cyn's DNA is cooking at Ancestry. WooHoo. I always tease her about being Polish:)

I took a graceful fall at Rudy's BBQ. My brain starts having fun and forgets my body isn't 20 anymore. On my way down to meet the cement floor I grabbed for the end of the table and air! My only thought was "not a head injury." So pumped full of adrenaline I made a swift butt and back landing. 10 pointer;)  My poor daughter was trying to help me up when an EMT walked over and placed me on my feet. It's amazing how quickly medical people make a visual check, no? He asked me if I was ok and of course I said yes. We enjoyed our meal of MEAT and left to our respective homes. Next day Bren texted to see how my leg was doing. I was in a lot of pain and said if it continued I would go to urgent care on Tues. She said "how about now?" Good thinking. She drove me to urgent care where we were told it was at least a 2 hour wait and if anything was broken I would be sent to ER. So we went to ER at Women's. Two x-rays later I was told my ankle was fractured and my knee was badly sprained. Received the general discharge instructions along with a knee IMMOBILIZER and 2 pound boot. All this on my right leg where my hip replacement still hurts. The blessing in this incident-----NO head injury:)) And no surgery needed. Whew! PTL!

Te following day had lunch with cousins Lyd and Veronica. We ate at Cheddars. Lyd was freaked about the accident and insisted on putting my boot on before she left. She and her SO get to spend the winter in the South Padre Islands;) Merry Christmas.

My best friend and I both have November birthdays and we resurrected our yearly dinner at Yanni's when I returned to Albuquerque. Her kids have become accustomed to our warped sense of humor. So lots of laughs while we try to eat the delicious Mediterranean food with a huge triangle of Baklava for our birthday cake:)Great company and yummy food.

Those are the highlights of blessings before the snowball that picked up speed and left us breathless with discovering and reconnecting to family.

11/7 Cyn and I picked Alicia and Amanda up at the airport. Cyn and Alicia hadn't yet met face to face. So exciting. We headed to Panera's for lunch and like most family that has correspondence but no face to face talk, it gets pretty chatty. After a spin around Old Town and the neighborhood where we grew up we took them to meet Joey and Georgette. They were exhausted. So we left rather quickly.
Next day we had dinner with other family members. We shared stories, ate good food, and laughed!
Monday Joey's sister was found. Alicia was texting as the chance for their meeting progressed. I felt like I was reading a novel and watching the made-for-tv movie. The day ended very well:)

On that same day my cell was pinging like crazy during my walk down to the pool and hot tub to soak. I had several emails from Ancestry about comments made of pictures on the family tree. Turns out it was Jackie! I was named after her mother, my aunt. Haven't seen or heard from any of my Aunt Ruth's kids for 40+ years. We talked on the phone for over an hour. Happy tears!!!! More family connections!

Same day Cyn had a very positive outcome in court. Can't go into any details.

God is good.

Hope my Lord blesses you all as well:)

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